Our Mission: spiritual & Civic Renewal
'for the first time in modern American history, young men are now more religious than their female peers'.
The New York Times created a stir last month with an article of the increasing number of young man going to church. The Time article said, 'For the first time in modern American history, young men are now more religious than their female pees. They attend services more often and are more likely to identify as religious. For decades the religious serveys have always showed that women are more religious than men and that would still be true in older groups of Americans, but not for those under 30.
-401st Prophet
Spiritual Renewal
Because the centerpiece of the Daniel Foundation is relationships, our staff and volunteers spend most of their time in a variety of settings, with men from every walk of life and from every spiritual or religious location. Put another way, we try to provide spiritual friendship to men, religious and non, as they walk through life‘s many peaks and valleys. We believe that one of the greatest gifts we can offer others in a distracted, virtual world is the gift of our actual presence and attention. That translates to lingering, listening, assisting and thinking out loud (usually over coffee or food) with those with whom we visit. Some need us to show up for a season, while others request longer periods of time.
It's our hope is that men might come to know Christ personally and connect with a local church. However, even if that hope is never realized, our goal remains the same: To walk alonside men as they make their way through life's many seasons.
So, I guess the best way to describe the Daniel Foundation's mission might be this way:
We foster friendships with a hope, but not an agenda.
Civic Renewal
In addition to walking alongside men in the midst of a distracted and virtual age, we seek to better our actual world in practical ways. Our staff and volunteers are, and have engaged in a variety of civic initiatives designed to better the community of Phoenixville. Some of the initiatives we have undertaken have been...
The Bookworm renovation project
Done in partnership with 'Future leaders Today' and the Phoenixville hospital.
mentoring residents of Phoenixville's 'Good Samaritan Shelter' as they move towards greater independence.
PAPA lacrosse
A summer youth lacrosse program offered, free of charge, done in partnership with 'Phoenixville Area Positive Alternatives.'
Hospital greeters program
Teaching local at risk youth the social skills necessary for success, done in partnership with 'Future Leaders Today.'
Chaplain services
Providing (and arranging for) spiritual care as chaplain at The Phoenixville Hospital and at 'The Cancer Center of Phoenixville Hospital.'
A regular gathering of volunteers for local community service initiatives.
Supporting local nonprofits
The Daniel Foundation Philly donates a portion of what we receive from our donors to other local nonprofit organizations whose mission is commensurate with that of The Daniel Foundation in one way or another.
Caring for Carergivers
Provided gift cards and gift bags to the ICU and the ER staff of The Phoenixville Hospital as a means of appreciating their long hours and faithful service to so many
Thanks to the many efforts of one of our volunteers, we were able to identify single mothers who neededa little help in making Christmas a little brighter for their children.